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Academic Salon: "Scientific research data helps power the country, Cite space helps everyone "

Editor: 傅俏 Time: 2021-12-10 15:30 Hits:

On November 19, 2021, in the fall semester of 2021, the Jiangsu University Graduate Academic Salon held in the conference room on the sixth floor of the library. This event is sponsored by the Graduate Student Association of Jiangsu University and undertaken by the Graduate Student Association of the Institute of Science and Technology Information of Jiangsu University. The 2021 graduate students of the Institute of Science and Technology Information, the master and doctoral students of the School of Management, and the students of the Teacher Education School participated in the activity.

The theme of this event is " Scientific research data helps power the country, Cite space helps everyone." This lecture is honored to invite Professor Su Wencheng from the Institute of Science and Technology Information to explain the relevant knowledge of Cite space and demonstrate its operation.

Professor Su mainly explained the operation of Cite space from four parts: software introduction, basic operation, data acquisition and processing, and common analysis functions. At the same time, he showed the startup and operation steps of the software in the form of video, and taught the students based on his own usage experience. Finally, the students asked Professor Su about the problems encountered when using Cite space. Professor Su patiently answered the students' doubts and recommended relevant books for the students to further study.

This lecture showcased the visual analysis functions and operations of Cite space, helped students dig deeper into the knowledge contained in the literature, improved their research capabilities in data processing, and played an important role in the academic research of graduate students.

Contributors: Sun Yehua, Wang Xinyi

(2021 Master's degree)

November 19, 2021

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