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Liu,Zotoo and Supublish paperonresearch data management policies

Editor: 傅俏 Time: 2020-09-10 17:06 Hits:

An article by Guifeng Liu, Isidore Komla Zotoo, and Wencheng Su was recently published on September 9, 2020.(

The research article“Research data management policies in USA, UK and Australia universities: An online survey’’ discusses the current trends in research data management which investigated the existing RDM policies. Specifically, the study compares and differentiates the RDM policies in three developed nations (USA, UK and Australia) to ascertain how the policies vary. The authors based on the result to advocate for a common approach to the formulation of RDM policies by recommending level ground through the RDM life cycle model approach.

Authors are delighted to have found the perfect publishing journal for their works in Information Science, Library Science. The Journal of Library & Information Science in Malaysia is indexed and abstracted by Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science and Elsevier's Scopus. Authors are grateful for anonymous reviewers and valuable comments that improved the manuscript.

Zotoo was the first international master graduatedirected by Dr. Guifeng Liufrom the Institute of Science and Technology Information and now a PhD studentin School of Management in Jiangsu University. Guifeng Liu is a professor at Institute of Science and Technology Information. Wencheng Su is a lecturer at the Institute of science and Technology Information.

Research Areas that this paper involved in are:1.Research Data Management 2. Information Analysis 3. Information behaviour analysis.

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