
Liu Jing

Editor: 傅俏 Time: 2019-04-28 10:26 Hits:

Liu Jing,Doctor of Science, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Jiangsu University library. Dr. Liu Jing has published more than 30 academic papers and 2 monographs, and conducted onenational academic research projectsponsored by the National Social Science Foundation.

Education Background

2005.09—2008.07 Nanjing Agricultural University, Ph.D in Science

Work Experience

2008.07---Now, Scientific Information Institute, Jiangsu University

Research Interests

1. Information Resources Allocation and Management

2. Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management

3. Information Analysis and Prediction


Email:lvadam@sina.com Tel:13615289759

Jiangsu University Library, No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, P.R.China, 212013
Telephone: (0086 511)88780101
E-mail: lib101@ujs.edu.cn
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